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Hsiang-Kuang Tony Liang
Hsiang-Kuang Tony Liang

Division of Proton Therapy, National Taiwan University Cancer Center / Division Director
Department of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University / Assistant Professor

Being a J-TOP Mentor, as well as a hospital medical director and primary investigator of a translational cancer research laboratory, I appreciate the teamwork skills and concepts learned at J-TOP Workshop to coordinate and lead a team. In 2021, J-TOP tutors in Taiwan successfully initiated T (Taiwan)-TOP Workshop in cooperation with J-TOP members. Our shared mission and vision are to bring multidisciplinary people together to improve the efficacy of cancer treatment and patients’ quality of life. We believe that through the synergies between J-TOP and CancerX connections, Japan and Taiwan will collaborate to boost innovation in fighting against cancer.

[日本語自動翻訳 / Automatic Japanese Translation]
