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Alison Silberman
Alison Silberman

Stupid Cancer, Inc. CEO

Alison Silberman is the CEO of Stupid Cancer, Inc., a national nonprofit organization whose mission it is to help empower everyone affected by adolescent and young cancer by ending isolation and building community. Alison brings nearly twenty years of public service experience in government and nonprofit to the organization.  With passion and dedication honed from her personal caregiving experience, Alison is committed to ensuring adolescents and young adults affected by cancer are supported, understood, and accepted throughout their cancer treatment and survivorship.

Prior to joining Stupid Cancer, Alison served as the Senior Program Director at Tuesday’s Children and was the Director of Field Engagement at the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance where she was responsible for increasing the organization’s national presence in the community, as well as leading advocacy efforts in individual states and on Capitol Hill. Before this, Alison worked for the City of New York in Mayor Bloomberg’s office. 

Alison graduated with a degree in government from Colby College in Maine and a Masters in Urban Planning from Columbia University in New York. Alison lives in Brooklyn, NY, USA with her husband and two children. 

[日本語自動翻訳 / Automatic Japanese Translation]

Alison Silbermanは、青年期および若年成人のがんに影響を受ける全ての人々を支援し、孤独を終わらせ、コミュニティを築くことを使命とする全国非営利団体であるStupid Cancer, Inc.のCEOです。Alisonは、政府機関や非営利団体での公共サービス経験を約20年に渡り積み重ねてきました。個人的な介護経験から磨かれた情熱と献身をもって、Alisonはがん治療と生存期間を通じて、青年期および若年成人のがん患者が支援され、理解され、受け入れられることを確実にするために尽力しています。

Stupid Cancerに参加する前に、AlisonはTuesday’s Childrenでシニアプログラムディレクターとして勤務し、Ovarian Cancer Research Allianceでフィールドエンゲージメントのディレクターを務め、地域社会における組織の全国的な存在感を高めるとともに、個々の州やキャピトルヒルでの提唱活動を主導しました。これ以前は、ニューヨーク市のブルームバーグ市長事務所で働いていました。
